Call for Submission

2024_Oil & Water

Please ensure that you Read the Prospectus so that you know the Acceptance Criteria for entering the Oil & Water Show. 

• All work must be completed on or after January 1, 2022 and BE FOR SALE.

• Work must NOT have been created during a workshop or with an instructor’s input.

• Work must NOT have been accepted into ANY previous juried event.

Cost to Submit:
Entry Cost: CAN$20.00
First item included with Entry Cost
Items 2-5: CAN$5.00 per item
Add'l Non-Member Costs:
Note: As you are not a logged-in member of this organization, the following extra charges will apply:
+CAN$5.00 Extra Per Item
If you ARE a member and have a username/login, you'll have a chance to login on the next screen before continuing.
Maximum Items:
Submission Dates:
Submission deadline has passed! (May 4 2024 11:59 pm PDT)
You cannot currently make an online submission.

Static Map

Gallery 1710

Located just off Highway 17A:
1710 56th Street
Tsawwassen, BC


Gallery hours:

 Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 12 - 4pm