Details for "Drawing Figures with Lea Price"
Dates: Mondays on January 13, 20, and 27
Time: 2 pm to 5:30 pm
Location: Gallery 1710 at 1710 56th Street, Tsawwassen, BC
Please arrive 15 minutes early to get settled in.
Level of Difficulty: Beginners to drawing figures or those who would like a refresher.
Media: Pencil and Charcoal
Workshop Description: Drawing people may seem like a daunting challenge but by starting with simple techniques and learning how to "see" is the best foundation to build your skill. Beginning with stick figures and looking at basic structure to moving forward to gesture drawing, to full figures. Begin a journey to understanding drawing people and animals.
Come learn how to "play" again. I only have 3 rules : wear old clothes, as art can be messy, don't take yourself too seriously, learn to have fun. I think my main responsibility as a mentor is to listen to each person to understand what they want to achieve and teach everyone to learn how to "see".
About the Instructor: Lea grew up in the United States, moving from the east coast to the west coast in mid 60’s. As an only child and being raised in an era of “children should be seen and not heard”, crayons, paper and pencils became her silent companions. Encouraged by both parents and teachers at school, she continued on her goal to become a productive, accomplished artist. Art Center College of Art and Design in Los Angeles attracted her based on its fine reputation and she majored in advertising illustration. After completing 3 years of study, Lea earned a Bachelor of Fine Art and headed north to Vancouver, BC, a place which she had visited during a holiday between semesters. Lea began working as a freelance illustrator and photographer mainly with advertising agencies and some notable personal clients including BC Forest Products and the UBC Botanical Gardens.
In the late eighties, Lea had the opportunity to further her studies and undertook three years at the Emily Carr College of Art and Design, completing a Diploma of Fine Art with a concentration in ceramics, three dimensional work and mixed media. It also gave her the confidence to begin to let go of the commercial art field and move more towards fine art, sculpting and painting. Lea also began working and curating in galleries in Vancouver, Delta and White Rock, amercing herself totally in the art world and observing the styles and techniques of other artists.
Today she is painting full time in-between teaching adults in both group and private lessons. She also volunteers with the South Delta Artists Guild, helping to strengthen the art community.
Lea's website:
City of Delta interviews Lea:
Cost & Status
- CAN$110.00
- CAN$93.50 with Member Workshop 15% Discount